The McDevitt lab (2004-2021) was focused on the engineering of innovative technologies to translate the morphogenic potential of stem cells as models of development and disease, as well to develop cellular and molecular therapies aimed to treat degenerative diseases and traumatic injuries.
Our technologies are applicable to a wide variety of diseases, including cardiovascular and neurological disorders. Specific diseases that we can apply our research to include treatments for diabetes, chronic wounds, aging, arthritis, and other autoimmune disorders. The McDevitt lab's work also had other applications, including wound healing, irritable bowel syndrome, epilepsy, and bone regeneration to name just a few.
Todd is continuing his work heading a basic research group, in the innovation arm, SanaX, within Sana Biotechnology.
"I am incredibly grateful to all of the McD lab members (past & present) who prepared me over the past 17+ years for this chance to impact the stem cell engineering and regenerative medicine field in a new and unexpected way," Todd shares. "I continue to be so impressed by this fantastic cohort of people who have defined the scope and impacts of stem cell engineering through the various career paths they have chosen and the leadership they consistently exhibit."