Biomedical Engineering faculty, Melissa Kemp, Todd McDevitt and Manu Platt as well as Chemistry and Biochemistry faculty member, Christine Payne, traveled to Washington, DC this week, to participate in the National Institutes of Health's (NIH) annual "Common Fund High Risk-High Reward (HRHR) Research Program Symposium."
The symposium involved presentations, poster sessions, and networking opportunities for awardees of all four of the NIH Director's HRHR initiatives, the Pioneer, New Innovator, Transformative Research, and Early Independence Awards. The goal of these award programs is to support scientists of exceptional creativity who propose highly innovative approaches to major contemporary challenges in biomedical research.
This symposium provides an important opportunity for awardees to network across the entire HRHR program, present and discuss their research, and interact productively with NIH staff.
Kemp and Payne received a New Innovator award in 2009, Platt also was awarded under the same program in 2010 and McDevitt received a Transformative Research Award in 2011.
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